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Pre School

Pre-School Division

The Pre-school division is managed by Chembur Karnatak Sangha, imparting instruction through English. This division is the centre for child development of the child. The childrenlearn to communicate, play and interact. The tutor provides them with activity and materials to motivate them to learn to understand their environment, communicate, recognize,read, write and speak. They also learn to sing, dance and socialize with their age.

The teacher’s friendly atmosphere helps thechild to adjust to be a part of friends & family, to share and care. The centre mainly provides them their first opportunity to play, interact with their group on regular basis and help them to develop healthy habits, speecha and beome good citizens of this world.


1.All the students when admitted must get themselves acquainted with the rules notified for their conduct while studying in this School. Ignorance of the Rules will be no excuse for non-compliance.

2.On school working days and functions the students should wear school uniform.

3.No student shall remain absent from the School except in case of dire necessity. On their resuming attendance, a note written in ink by the parent or guardian should be presented to the Head of School. In case of long illness viz., lasting more than a week, the Head should be informed as soon as possible in writing.

4.No long leave of absence is granted, except on a previous written application from parents or guardians and that too only for genuine reasons. Leave of absence is granted by the Head only.

5.Names of the students who leave without notice or who for unexplained reasons have been absent from school for more than one month will be struck off the rolls as a rule and they will not be re-admitted. If re-admitted a fresh entrance fee will have to be paid and arrears if any must be made good.

6.Any kind of damage done to the school property will have to be made good. All students should be particularly careful not to throw any papers, seeds etc. anywhere except in the basket provided for that purpose.

7.Without the previous sanction of the Head no collection for any purpose whatsoever can be started, no presents are to be made to the member of the staff, no meetings are to be held on the School premises, no picnics are to be arranged or demonstrations to be held in the school.

8.No books other than text or library books, newspapers or periodicals shall be brought to the school without the permission of the Head.

9.The School will not be responsible for books, money, clothes and other valuable articles that are lost in the school premises. The students must look after their own things. It is not advisable for the students to have money or valuable articles with them.

10.Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to morality are genuine reasons for the school authorities to dismiss a student of any class at any time of the year.

11.For breach of the school rules a student may be fined and/or punished at the discretion of the Head.

12.Speaking English or Kannada as the case may be is compulsory in the School.

13.Every student must possess a copy of the School Calendar which must be brought to the school on all working days.


A candidate who desires to join the school fresh from home or from a private school must produce an official birth certificate such as the municipal or baptism certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the admission form.


Notice of withdrawal should be given before the 15th of the month, or else the fee for the following month will be charged. Such notice should be given by the parents/guardians of the pupils and not by the pupils themselves. Those who leave in April must pay their fees for May.


The school does not encourage private tuition. Where it becomes necessary, permission must be obtained by the parents or guardians for the Head and must not go directly to the teacher.

School Examination And Report

Unit test, surprise tests, monthly tests, semester examinations will be held from time to time as per the schedule announced by the school. Payment of all school dues is mandatory for admission to each of the tests examinations. Tampering with the entries made by the teacher, Head in the progress report will result in the pupil’s expulsion from the school or the entire performance of the pupil in the test/examination being excluded for the promotion purpose. Absence from a subject excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examination. No re-examination will be held for absentees. The Answer Paper will be returned to the pupils. They should be preserved in a file for the full year and should produce the file with all the answer papers in good condition any time he/she is called upon to do so by the Teacher, & Head.


All school fees (including fees for Bus) will have to be paid at the school. The student’s copy of the paying slip receipt should retained carefully, till the end of the year and should be produced for verification, whenever necessary. The fees should be paid in cash only. A student whose fees are not paid is liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls.

Some Suggestions To Parents

Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline to ensure that the children or wards prepare their lessons and take an active and helpful interest in the school activities. Parents are particularly expected to sign a message, the progress report or any other similar documents, when so requested by the school authorities. Failure to do this may put their children to great inconvenience. They should also keep an eye on the late attendance reports etc., in the calendar. Parents and guardians are advised that they should not see their wards or interview their teachers during the school hours. Members of the staff may be seen in their free periods’ by previous appointment arranged through the students by an application to the Head. Parents are urged to see that their children come to school clean, tidily dressed in full school uniform and in time for class. Parents should permit their wards to participate in the co-curricular activities of the school.

Recommendations To Pupils

1.Every pupil should aspire to become an educated and cultured citizen and do the greatest possible service to his home and country.

2.The students should study diligently and be punctual and regular in attendance.

3.They should obey the instructions of the School Head and Teachers without question.

4.They should be respectful to Head and teachers and greet them politely and courteously.

5.They should arrive at school with all necessary text books and writing materials and be duly prepared for the lessons.

6.They should come to school clean, well groomed and neatly dressed. The pupils, coming without the full uniform or dressed in a slovenly manner will not be admitted to class.