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Secondary School


Chembur Karnatak High School is managed by Chembur Karnataka Sangha. It is a Co-Educational Institution imparting instruction through English (Pre-primary to Jr. College) and Kannada (Std VIII to X) medium. The School prepares its pupils for the Secondary School Certificate Examination of Maharashtra State.


All the students when admitted must get themselves acquainted with the rules notified for their conduct while studying in this School. Ignorance of the Rules will be no excuse for non-compliance. On school working days and functions the students should wear school uniform. i.e. blue striped shirts / blouses, grey shorts / skirts, Pinafores (should be below the knees), dark blue house ties (with distinctive House colours), school badges, navy blue socks, white and blue canvas shoes. No slippers will be permitted. Girl pupils will require one set of Salwar (Black) Kurta (White). Boys in Std VII and above will be permitted to wear trousers. PT Uniform on Wednesday for Primary Section. No student shall remain absent from the School except in case of dire necessity. On their resuming attendance, a note written in ink by the parent or guardian should be presented to the Head of School. In case of long illness viz., lasting more than a week, the Head should be informed as soon as possible in writing. No long leave of absence is granted, except on a previous written application from parents or guardians and that too only for genuine reasons. Leave of absence is granted by the Head only. Names of the students who leave without notice or who for unexplained reasons have been absent from school for more than one month will be struck off the rolls as a rule and they will not be re-admitted. If re-admitted a fresh entrance fee will have to be paid and arrears if any must be made good. Any kind of damage done to the school property will have to be made good. All students should be particularly careful not to throw any papers, seeds etc. anywhere except in the basket provided for that purpose. Without the previous sanction of the Head no collection for any purpose whatsoever can be started, no presents are to be made to the member of the staff, no meetings are to be held on the School premises, no picnics are to be arranged or demonstrations to be held in the school. No books other than text or library books, newspapers or periodicals shall be brought to the school without the permission of the Head. The School will not be responsible for books, money, clothes and other valuable articles that are lost in the school premises. The students must look after their own things. It is not advisable for the students to have money or valuable articles with them. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to morality are genuine reasons for the school authorities to dismiss a student of any class at any time of the year. For breach of the school rules a student may be fined and/or punished at the discretion of the Head. Speaking English or Kannada as the case may be is compulsory in the School. Every student must possess a copy of the School Calendar which must be brought to the school on all working days.


The attention of the students and the parents is invited to the following principles of discipline laid down in the S.S. Code. Regularity and implicit obedience are expected in the school. Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness of dress and person are expected. Pupils are made to realise that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in school, but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or objectionable conduct out of school on the part of the pupils should make them liable to disciplinary action. Parents are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and that the management has a right to say on what conditions they will admit or retain pupils in their school provided such conditions are in conformity with the S.S. Code and the instructions issued by the Educational Inspector. Pupils may attend political meetings outside school hours and outside school premises but may not take an active part in them. Any pupil who persistently insubordinate or repeatedly or wilfully mischievous or guilty of gross malpractice in connection with an examination or of unauthorised alteration in a report card or leaving certificate or who in the opinion of the Head has an unwholesome influence on his fellow pupils may be removed from the rolls with the permission of the Director of Education. The removal may be temporary or permanent according to the gravity of the offence. Running, playing, shouting or talking in the school building are not allowed. When moving along the corridors or when changing classes the students must walk in silence and in single line keeping to the left. No student will be allowed to enter the school after the first bell. At the stroke of the bell all must go immediately to the class-room so that the teacher may start the lesson at once. During the absence of the teacher, the monitor, and the assistant monitor will be responsible for order and discipline in the class.


A candidate who desires to join the school fresh from home or from a private school must produce an official birth certificate such as the municipal or baptism certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the admission form. A student who has attended any recognised school cannot be admitted without a leaving certificate from the school he/she has attended. If the student comes from outside the State of Maharashtra the leaving certificate must be countersigned by the Educational Officer of the State in which the school is situated. Boys and girls between the ages 5 and 7 are admitted to the first standard and a corresponding scale of age is fixed for other standards.


Notice of withdrawal should be given before the 15th of the month, or else the fee for the following month will be charged. Such notice should be given by the parents/guardians of the pupils and not by the pupils themselves. Those who leave in April must pay their fees for May. A Leaving Certificate will not be granted unless all school dues are paid. The form of application for the leaving certificate can be obtained from the school office.


The school does not encourage private tuition. Where it becomes necessary, permission must be obtained by the parents or guardians from the Head and must not go directly to the teacher.


Unit test, surprise tests, monthly tests, semester examinations will be held from time to time as per the schedule announced by the school. Payment of all school dues is mandatory for admission to each of the tests examinations. The Unit Test as well as the Semester test reports have to be filed duly signed by the parents or guardians. Tampering with the entries made by the teacher, Head in the progress report will result in the pupil’s expulsion from the school or the entire performance of the pupil in the test/examination being excluded for the promotion purpose. Absence from a subject excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examination. No re-examination will be held for absentees. Any irregularity detected during an examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination room and the answer paper of such an expelled student will not be assessed. The answer paper of a student found indulging in malpractice in any examinations or tests will not be assessed. He/she will not be allowed to answer the rest of the examination/test. Further he/she is liable to lose his/her promotion. If found copying again, he/she is liable to be expelled from the school. An application for verification of marks made within a fortnight of the declaration of the result will be considered at the discretion of the Head. In no case will the answer paper be shown either to the pupil or to the guardians / parents. A pupil who repeats a class for the second time will not be allowed to continue in the school. The Answer Paper will be shown to the Parents on the Open Day and then it will be preserved in School.


All school fees (including fees for Bus) will have to be paid at the school. The student’s copy of the paying slip receipt should retained carefully, till the end of the year and should be produced for verification, whenever necessary. The fees should be paid in cash only. A student whose fees are not paid is liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls.


Students are not allowed to keep any book borrowed from the library longer than a fortnight. Those who keep library books longer than a fortnight from the date of issue are liable to a fine of two rupees. Those who wish to keep the book longer than a fortnight must have it renewed. Students are expected to take proper care of library books. If a book is lost or damaged, the student in whose name the book is issued shall have to make good the loss. The School expects the students to make full use of the Library facilities to widen their knowledge.


Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline to ensure that the children or wards prepare their lessons and take an active and helpful interest in the school activities. Parents are particularly expected to sign a message, the progress report or any other similar documents, when so requested by the school authorities. Failure to do this may put their children to great inconvenience. They should also keep an eye on the late attendance reports etc., in the calendar. Parents and guardians are advised that they should not see their wards or interview their teachers during the school hours. Members of the staff may be seen in their free periods’ by previous appointment arranged through the students by an application to the Head. Parents are urged to see that their children come to school clean, tidily dressed in full school uniform and in time for class. Parents should permit their wards to participate in the co-curricular activities of the school from time to time.


The promotion of a student from one standard to another in the secondary section shall be made at the end of the school year on the basis of his/her performance at the two Semester examination (written and practical wherever prescribed) conduced by the school and his/her Semester performance consisting of oral examinations (wherever prescribed) unit tests, homework, practicals etc. The Semester examination at the end of the first Semester shall be based on the syllabus covered during the first Semester and the examination at the end of the second Semester shall be based on the syllabus covered during the second Semester. For the purpose of promotion and rank the marks secured by a student in each head of passing at the two Semester examinations and the marks obtained in each head of passing in the Semester performance shall be added together and the average thereof shall be calculated. Students securing not less than 35% of the marks in each individual head of passing shall be eligible for promotion to a higher standard after availing, if necessary, of the benefit of an automatic condonation of 15 marks in one or more heads of passing, but not exceeding, 10% of marks in any one head of passing. The average of marks in each head of passing mentioned in the preceding rule shall be worked out by dividing by three, the total of marks of (a) the first Semester examination (written and practical) at the end of first Semester; (b) the second Semester examination (written and practical) at the end of the second Semester and (c) the Semester performance consisting of oral examinations (wherever prescribed) Unit Test, home work, practicals, etc. The categories (a), (b) and (c) mentioned above shall carry equal marks. The allotment of marks for each Semester performance shall also be equal. The benefit of condonation marks shall be given only at the end of the year while deciding the student’s promotion from one standard to another. Ability to cope with the studies and activities of the current class as reflected by the child’s actual performance during the year will be the criteria for the promotion of the higher class in the Pre-primary section. In the Primary section the promotion will be done in accordance with the relevant rules framed by the Education Department of Mumbai Municipal Corporation from time to time.


Every pupil should aspire to become an educated and cultured citizen and do the greatest possible service to his home and country. The students should study diligently and be punctual and regular in attendance. Success is impossible unless a pupil studies at least three to four hours each day at home. They should obey the instructions of the School Head and Teachers without question. They should be respectful to Head and teachers and greet them politely and courteously. They should be polite to elders, behave modestly and respectfully in school, on the street, in public places and at home. They should arrive at school with all necessary text books and writing materials and be duly prepared for the lessons. They should come to school clean, well groomed and neatly dressed. The pupils, coming without the full uniform or dressed in a slovenly manner will not be admitted to class. They should keep their places in the classroom clean and tidy. They should rise when the Teacher or Head enters or leaves the class room. They should stand at attention during School Prayers and the singing of the National Anthem. They should stand at attention when answering the teachers, and sit down only with teacher’s permission. They should protect school property and be careful of their personal things and belongings of their classmates. They should obey their parents and help in the care of younger brothers and sisters. They should carry the Calender with them always and present it upon request of the Head or Teachers. If the Calendar is lost another must replace it. Every Pupil enter his daily home work in his/her Calendar regularly. Students must not go to the wash-rooms during class hours except for every special reasons. Silence must be observed outside the Head’s office. During class hours the pupils must not move about the premises in twos or threes. No student of a class is allowed to be in any other classroom that is not his/her own during free or recess time. Any attempt of any kind on the part of the student or students of the class to prevent the teacher from teaching or other students from learning what is taught will be severely dealt with. The children while changing classes or going for P.T. or going to the laboratory should go in utmost silence and in an orderly way without disturbing classes. Any attempt at disturbing the classes will result in heavy punishment. They should cherish the honour of their school and class and defend it as their own.